Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Top 5 Cases of Animals Saving Humans

5. Cat
Saved Family from House Fire

Dianne Busscher was woken up at 4:45 a.m. by the cries of the family cat, Oreo, coming from the garage. Busscher went down stairs to see what the fuss was about. What she saw was smoke and flames; she quickly grabbed the cat and rushed back inside to wake up her husband and their five children.
The fire destroyed the garage and a bedroom. None of the family was harmed thanks to the cat’s cries. As an interesting side note, none of the family had been too fond of the cat before this incident; however Jesse Busscher claimed “We love it now. This thing is getting some tuna tonight!” This is not as uncommon as might be expected – pictured above is another cat (Baby) who also saved her family from a house fire.

4. Dolphin
Saved Teenager from Drowning

Davide Ceci was 14 years old and couldn’t swim when he fell out of his Fathers boat in south-east Italy; he was within minutes of death when dolphin Filippo came to his rescue. Filippo had been a popular tourist attraction off Manfredonia in south-east Italy for two years. While Emanuele Ceci was still unaware his son had fallen into the waves, Filippo was pushing him up out of the water to safety. The dolphin bore down on the boat and got close enough for Davide’s father to grab him.
Davide’s mother Signora Ceci said: “It is a hero, it seems impossible an animal could have done something like that, to feel the instinct to save a human life.” Filippo has lived in the waters off Manfredonia since he became separated from a visiting school of dolphins. Maritime researcher Dr Giovanna Barbieri said: “Filippo seems not to have the slightest fear of humans. I’m not surprised he should have done such a wonderful thing as to save a human.” Pictured above is a beluga whale saving a drowning diver.

3. Dog
Saved Woman from River

Brenda Owen had gone out for a quick walk with her dog when she spotted a wheelchair on the riverbank; she saw a woman floating in the river. She called out to her but there was no reply so she told her dog, Penny, to “Fetch! Fetch!” without hesitation the dog ran into the river, swam to the woman and pulled her to the shore. Brenda said that Penny has always been a very obedient dog and despite being 10 years old she was still very fit.

2. Dog
Saves boy from snake

In Texas, way back in 1982, a 2 year old child had been walking with his grandmother when Arf, the family dog, became very agitated; the dog became so agitated that the grandmother thought it best to take the child inside. Mrs. Sparks, the child’s mother, came out to find Arf in a fight with a 24 inch north-american coral snake, she shot the snake but arf had a lot of bites and scratches and had to be admitted into a veterinary hospital for 24 days. Although the newspaper that I got this from didn’t say whether he survived or not, it said he was making a strong recovery.

1. Watusi Calf
Saves Women from Snake

Janice Wolf was in the back pasture of the refuge she operates in Arkansas when her 11 month old Watusu Calf suddenly turned and blocked her path, she couldn’t understand why it was doing this, so she took hold of its horns and tried pushing it, but it tossed its head and knocked her off balance, that’s when she spotted a copper-head snake on the ground exactly were her foot would have been had the Watusi calf not intervened.
She said Copper-head venom usually isn’t fatal to adults; however it could well have been fatal to her because she had been extra sensitive to insect bites in the past and had just come out of hospital for a lung operation.


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